Marquee Freelance Writing

Let's Take Your Company
 To The Next Level!

Dominate your competition with
digital marketing strategies that bring
new customers to your business.

Tell Me About Your Project

Zee M. Terry
Professional Freelance Writer

A professional looking website won't explode your sales on it's own.  Your website must be designed to convert.

Better storytelling, irresistible offers, enticing lead magnets, and compelling content that educates and captivates are critical elements to online success. 

It all starts with really knowing your audience and understanding exactly what keeps them up at night.  What problems do they want to solve?  What unique expertise do you have to offer your prospects that separates you from the competition? 

A high converting website is only one piece to the digital marketing puzzle.   Exceptional writing is the foundation for success. 
Writing is my first love and primary focus.   I view each project through the lens of an experienced digital marketing professional since 2010.  

 Read My Writing Samples

Listen To What My Clients Are Saying…

Because They Matter Most!

Zee Terry is a trusted partner!

Frank A. Lucas, CEO

Nutraceutical Products Company

The internet can be both
a blessing and a bane.  Zee has helped us reap the benefits of internet marketing for more than a decade.

We have discussed marketing strategies, product ideas and formulations, names for new products, and all aspects of health since I started this company in 1994.

She is very knowledgeable about the nutraceutical industry and health coaching.

She genuinely understands and cares about my business!

Katy O'Gee
O'Gee Therapy Center


People from all over the United States have come to me for treatment.  They say the reason they come is because of my website.

Zee wrote all of the content and designed my beautiful website which converts prospects into clients.

She created a range of marketing strategies for my business which put me on the map.

I rely on her for all aspects of business because she understands everything so well.  She helped me build my business from scratch.  She's been helping me for many years.

  This is a reputable company that I highly recommend.

Delivers her work as promised, on time, and spot on

Rebecca West, CEO

West Aesthetics and Wellness


Zee carefully does research and thoughtfully creates high quality online content with exceptional insight.  She has written many articles for my websites.  Her work is always top notch.

Zee is creative, intuitive, and resourceful.  She holds herself to the highest possible standard.  You can always count on her to deliver her very best.

Her broad range of experience enables her to relate to people with exceptional empathy and from a unique perspective.

My Expertise, Interests, & Specialties
Healthy Aging, Wellness, Natural Medicine, and Functional Nutrition
My goal is to enrich the knowledge and understanding of the following for the benefit of my readers:

Promote the body's innate ability to heal and to attain balance without the need for traditional medical interventions that don't address the underlying root cause of the problem, or effectively address it.  Achieve homeostasis.

Reverse the damage done to the body as a result of relying on the ultra processed food supply that is estimated to contain 10,000 chemicals.

Emphasize the critical importance of gut health by informing the reader of the enormous role of a diverse and thriving microbiome, which influences the immune system and function of various organs.

Investigate, research, and report on the latest scientific breakthroughs emerging in the fields of Integrative, Functional, and Natural Medicine, with an emphasis on Functional Nutrition.

To learn more about my three decades of experience relying on the approach outlined above to thrive and survive,
read my blog. 
Fitness, Weight Loss, Healthy
​​​​​​​ Keto & Intermittent Fasting

Autophagy recycles damaged or dysfunctional cells and is achieved with intense exercise, intermittent fasting, cold exposure, and by implementing a healthy ketogenic diet based on organic whole foods.

Keto For Health by Dr. Eric Berg enabled me to benefit from a customized ketogenic diet to improve my own health.  I completed Dr. Berg's Keto & Intermittent Fasting certification course.

Timing of eating, or not eating helps the body eliminate toxins, improves gut health, addresses insulin resistance, facilitates healthy weight loss, supports optimal heart and brain function, and triggers production of new stem cells.

Working with a personal trainer since 2006 and a Certified Clinical Nutritionist since 1998 provided me with the expertise needed to achieve a lean physique and optimize my health.

Completing Eben Pagan's Virtual Coach course enables me to work with coaches to build their businesses from a broad range of perspectives, including fitness, intermittent fasting, healthy weight loss, and transformation strategies. 

To learn more read my blog.

Digital Marketing, Copywriting & Business Consulting

7 out of 10 buyers trust the expert advice and information they read on a blog enough to take action and buy.

Blog posts continue to drive traffic and generate impressions up to 700 days after they go live.  (

Small businesses that blog get 126% more growth from leads than those that don't.  (Hubspot)

Companies that do moderate blog posting between 1-2 times per month have 67% more sales opportunities than companies that do not blog  (

79% of best-in-class marketers rank blogs as the most effective marketing tactic.

57% of marketers say they've gained customers specifically through blogging.

Build authority, reach, and get more qualified leads with your blog.

Let's Discuss How We Can Make
Your Blogging A Huge Success

Web Design & Content Creation

The most important thing that a company needs to start capturing more business online is a high converting website or landing page.

Did you know that 53% of mobile website visitors will leave if a webpage doesn't load within 3 seconds?

Did you know that there is a secret formula for grabbing eyeballs, hooking them in, and compelling them to follow the process that leads to them choosing your product or service over the competition?  

What kind of a first impression do you make when someone visits your website?

Let us help.  We don't want visitors to just read, we want them to "TAKE ACTION" and to convert into customers.  Our "Secret  21 Story Block Formula" website is the starting point of building your story, which has a beginning, middle, and end.  

Our process increases website conversions.  You don't want a website that just looks great, you want a website that motivates visitors  to choose you, and to take action. 

We design stunning, mobile-ready websites that load fast, rank well, and convert new customers.  Demand more from your website and blow away your competition.

If Your Website Doesn't Convert...
We Need To Talk

"Every Business Is One Customer Away
 From Having a Bad Reputation"

 A kind referral from one customer to another is heard once, but a 5-Star Online Review is "immortalized" and seen by thousands for years to come.  We'll help you get lots of stellar reviews, and then we will market them to dominate your competition.  

Nothing is quite as painful than to see the devastation on the faces of exceptional professionals who have poured their hearts and souls into their businesses, when they learn that someone has "weaponized" the online review process to attack them in some vicious and inappropriate way.  We've seen grown men come to tears over such an experience.

It's so rewarding to witness the tremendous relief and gratitude they express  as we address the problem and dramatically increase their reputation scores.  

Do You Have A Special Project In Mind?
Tell Me More...

My Commitment To You

​​​​​​​We know it can be overwhelming trying to find the customers you need online.  The customers are out there, but what is the best way to reach them and get your message across?

If you're searching for a proven digital expert to help you find new customers, we're here to help.  Our team has years of experience and a proven history of helping businesses fuel their growth.

We started our agency to help people like you take your business to the next level.  We'll do the hard work of attracting new customers for you, so that you can focus on what you do best - making your business extraordinary.

We always aspire to under promise and over deliver, and to treat our clients even better than we expect to be treated ourselves.

Let's Discuss Your Best Strategy
For Growing Your Business
​​​​​​​ And Increasing Profits

Don’t Fall For These Marketing Myths:

MYTH 1:  You Have To Do Everything Yourself

We get it.  Digital marketing is hard.  The learning curve is steep.  By the time you figure something out, it changes.  It's hard to know who to trust.   We believe that no business owner should have to suffer through the maze of confusion, the stress, and the distraction from you being able to do what you do best - provide your customers with the very best experience possible.  

MYTH 2:  You need a ton of website traffic for marketing to be effective.

As few as 100 visitors to your website could give you all the customers you can handle. You don’t need thousands of monthly visitors to grow. You need strategies like high-converting websites, and irresistible offers that help convert your traffic into paying customers quickly and easily. 

MYTH 3:  A great-looking website will increase my sales.

96% OF YOUR VISITORS DON’T CONTACT YOU OR PURCHASE. A professional looking website won’t explode your sales on its own. Your website must be designed to convert. Better storytelling, irresistible offers, and a 5-star reputation can turn a “good-looking” website into a sales-converting machine.

Visit My Blog
​​​​​​​ To Learn More About Me