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Writing Samples

 Zee M. Terry
  Professional Freelance Writer

Let's Discuss The Winning Strategy
For Your Project

Move Them To Act With
​​​​​​​ The Power Of A Great Story 
Inspire, captivate, and motivate readers to take action through compelling storytelling

Grow your influence, promote your big ideas, and grab your readers' attention 

Reel the reader in with vivid descriptions, juicy words, and marketing savvy

View Writing Sample #1
(To Be Linked To Blog Article)

Get 100 to 200% More Customers
In the Next 48 Hours With Email Marketing


✓  New Email Strategies Can Help Your Business Grow       

✓  The Latest Email Marketing Trends Send More Visitors To Your Website

✓ Leverage Email Marketing To Get Referrals 

✓ "Email Marketing Has An Average ROI of 380%.  For Every Dollar Invested, The Average Return Is $38.

View Writing Sample #2

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Businesses Are Building Authority, Creating a Larger Reach, and Getting More Qualified Leads With Consistent, Compelling Content
  • 70% of customers say blogs influence what they buy
  • Blog posts continue to drive traffic and generate impressions up to 700 days after they go live (Source:
  • Clients want pre-qualified leads.  Small businesses that blog get 126% more lead growth than those that don't.  (Source:  Hubspot)
  • Companies that do moderate blog posting between 1-2 times per month have 67% more sales opportunities than companies that do not blog.  (Source:
  • Blog leads have a 1400% greater close rate (14.6%), while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate.​​​​​​​  (Source:
  • Content marketing generates three times as many leads and costs 62% less than outbound marketing 

View Writing Sample #3
(Work In Progress - Not Yet)

Free Exclusive Report Reveals
"The Secret To Converting Website Visitors
Into Customers Fast!"

My Gift To You For Checking Out My Samples
How To Convert 200 to 300% More Customers In 48 Hours
✓ STOP Letting 97% Of Your Website Visitors Leave
    Without Buying

✓ This FREE Report Reveals The 1 Key Tool To Convert             Website Visitors Into Customers Fast

✓ Learn How To Win Your Ideal Audience, Boost Your          Expert  Status And Secure More Sales

✓ See Results In As Little As 48 Hours

Send Me The Free Report

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Expertise, Interests, and Some Fascinating Adventures On My Blog

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  What are you waiting for?

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